Handling failing tasks in Azure pipelines

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Sometimes failing scripts are not failing the task when they should. And sometimes a failing command should not fail the task.

How to handle these situations?

Leaking azure pipeline in surrealistic style (AI-generated by OpenAI)
Leaking azure pipeline in surrealistic style (AI-generated by OpenAI)

An unpleasant surprise

Let’s dive straight into our topic and take a look at an example script task that tries to tag a pipeline run:

- script: |
az pipelines runs tag add --run-id $(Build.BuildId) --tags my-container
echo "Tagged build for my-container"
displayName: Tag successful build

In this example the az command fails due to some missing extension. This results in output like this:

Generating script.
========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
/bin/bash --noprofile --norc /agent/_work/_temp/3ecc72e6-92f7-4de6-96c3-35ae602c7620.sh
ERROR: The command requires the extension azure-devops. Unable to prompt for extension install confirmation as no tty available. Run 'az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt' to allow installing extensions without prompt.
Tagged build for my-container
Finishing: Tag successful build

The command fails and prints an ERROR (to stderr). But both the task and the pipeline still succeed:

pipeline success

Why does this not fail the task? It’s because the az command does not exit with a non-zero code.

This is often not the desired behavior. Fortunately, when we want to fail the pipeline we do have some options:

Let’s look what happens when either of these are used.

Fail on errors written to stderr

Here we can add failOnStderr as a task configuration option:

- script: |
az pipelines runs tag add --run-id $(Build.BuildId) --tags my-container
echo "Tagged build for my-container"
displayName: Tag successful build
failOnStderr: true

This will execute the whole script, but make the task fail, since the az command prints the error to stderr:

Generating script.
========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
/bin/bash --noprofile --norc /agent/_work/_temp/3ecc72e6-92f7-4de6-96c3-35ae602c7620.sh
ERROR: The command requires the extension azure-devops. Unable to prompt for extension install confirmation as no tty available. Run 'az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt' to allow installing extensions without prompt.
Tagged build for my-container
##[error]Bash wrote one or more lines to the standard error stream.
##[error]ERROR: The command requires the extension azure-devops. Unable to prompt for extension install confirmation as no tty available. Run 'az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt' to allow installing extensions without prompt.
Finishing: Tag successful build

The pipeline fails:

pipeline failed

Another unpleasant surprise

As a side note, when we want to do the same for a task (as opposed to a script), this requires a different setting. For tasks the failOnStandardError option needs to be set as part of the inputs:

- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: Deploy my-container
failOnStandardError: true

This is not consistent. But let’s continue with the set -e option we still have left.

Halt on script error

To make the script fail on errors, use set -e at the start of the script:

- script: |
set -e
az pipelines runs tag add --run-id $(Build.BuildId) --tags my-container
echo "Tagged build for my-container"
displayName: Tag successful build

This will fail the script immediately:

Generating script.
========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
/bin/bash --noprofile --norc /agent/_work/_temp/a64b21a0-0a8e-4e6b-a0b4-271980ef4d05.sh
ERROR: The command requires the extension azure-devops. Unable to prompt for extension install confirmation as no tty available. Run 'az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt' to allow installing extensions without prompt.
##[error]Bash exited with code '2'.
Finishing: Tag successful build

And again, the pipeline fails as intended:

pipeline failed

But notice the difference in behavior: the “Tagged build for my-container” message is not printed here.

Depending on the use case one or the other is the better choice, although I think in general failing immediately is the better option.

Continue on error

Last but not least, sometimes the pipeline should continue even if the task failed. For this use case, there is continueOnError to the rescue:

- script: |
set -e
az pipelines runs tag add --run-id $(Build.BuildId) --tags my-container
echo "Tagged build for my-container"
continueOnError: true
displayName: Tag successful build

This will result in a green pipeline, but also a warning sign for the stage with the failed task:

pipeline warning

Compare this to the initial situation where everything is naively green. At least now we can see something is off.