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Advanced tips for using gulp.js

After getting excited about gulp.js, at some point you need more than the shiny but basic examples. This post discusses some common pitfalls when using gulp.js, plugins and streams in a more advanced and custom way.

Basic tasks

In a basic setup, gulp has a nice syntax to use streams and plugins to transform your source files:

gulp.task('scripts', function () {
return gulp

This works just fine in many cases, but once you need something more tailored, you may soon face tricky situations. This post addresses some of them.

Incompatible streams?

When using gulp you may have run into the issue of “incompatible streams”. This mostly has to do with the difference of regular streams versus vinyl file objects, and gulp plugins that use libraries supporting only buffers (and not streams).

For example, you can’t pipe a regular Node stream directly to gulp and/or gulp plugins. Let’s take a read stream, transform the contents using gulp-uglify and gulp-rename, and finally write the result to disk with gulp.dest(). Consider this (erroneous) example:

var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
gulp.task('bundle', function () {
return fs

Why can’t we pipe a read stream to a gulp plugin? Gulp is the streaming build system after all, right? Yes, but the example above ignores the fact that gulp plugins expect Vinyl file objects. You can’t just pipe a read stream to a function (plugin) that expects vinyl file object(s).

The vinyl file object

Gulp uses vinyl-fs, from which it inherits the gulp.src() and gulp.dest() methods. Vinyl-fs uses the vinyl file object, its “virtual file format”. If we want to use gulp and/or gulp plugins with a regular read stream, we need to convert the read stream to vinyl first.

A great option is to use vinyl-source-stream, which does exactly that:

var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var marked = require('gulp-marked');

The next example starts with a Browserified bundle and eventually converts this to a vinyl stream.

var browserify = require('browserify');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
gulp.task('bundle', function () {
return browserify('./src/app.js')

Great. Note that we don’t need to use gulp-rename anymore, since vinyl-source-stream creates a vinyl file instance with the specified filename (which gulp.dest will use to write the bundle).


This gulp method creates a write stream, and is really convenient. It reuses the file names from the read stream, and creates directories (using mkdirp) as necessary. After writing, you can continue piping the stream (e.g. to also gzip the data and write the result to other files).

Streams and buffers

Since you’re interested in using gulp, this post simply assumes you have some basic knowledge of streams. Vinyl works with virtual files containing either a buffer or a stream (or null). With a regular read stream you can listen to emitted chunks of data:

fs.createReadStream('/usr/share/dict/words').on('data', function(chunk) {
console.log('Read %d bytes of data', chunk.length);
> Read 65536 bytes of data
> Read 65536 bytes of data
> Read 65536 bytes of data
> Read 65536 bytes of data
> ...

In contrast, gulp.src() emits buffered vinyl file objects back to the stream. This means you won’t get chunks, but (virtual) files with buffered contents. The vinyl file format has a contents property representing a buffer or a stream, and gulp is using buffers by default:

gulp.src('/usr/share/dict/words').on('data', function(file) {
console.log('Read %d bytes of data', file.contents.length);
> Read 2493109 bytes of data

This clearly shows the data is buffered before the file gets emitted to the stream as a whole.

Gulp uses buffers by default

Although in general it’s recommended to stream the data, many plugins have underlying libraries that work with buffers. Sometimes this is simply necessary for transformations that require the source contents as a whole. Consider for instance text-based replacements with regular expressions. You would run the risk of matching patterns being in separate chunks, failing to find those matches. Likewise, tools like UglifyJS and the Traceur compiler need complete files as their input (or at least syntactically complete strings of JavaScript).

This is why gulp is using buffered streams by default, since they’re just easier to work with.

The downside of using buffered content is that they are inefficient for large files. The file is read completely, before it is emitted back to the stream. The question is, for which file sizes does this really hurt performance? For regular text files such as JavaScript, CSS, templates, etcetera there’s likely just minimal overhead in using buffers.

In any case, you can tell gulp to pass on a stream for contents if you set the buffer option to false. Here’s a contrived example:

gulp.src('/usr/share/dict/words', {buffer: false}).on('data', function(file) {
var stream = file.contents;
stream.on('data', function(chunk) {
console.log('Read %d bytes of data', chunk.length);
> Read 65536 bytes of data
> Read 65536 bytes of data
> Read 65536 bytes of data
> Read 65536 bytes of data
> ...

From streams to buffers

Depending on the desired input (and output) stream, and depending on the gulp plugin, you may need to switch from streams to buffers (or vice versa). As said, most plugins work with buffers (although some of them also support streams). Examples include gulp-uglify and gulp-traceur. You can do the conversion to buffers using gulp-buffer:

var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var buffer = require('gulp-buffer');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

Or, another contrived example:

var buffer = require('gulp-buffer');
var traceur = require('gulp-traceur');
.src('app.js', { buffer: false })

From buffers to streams

You can also “streamify” the output of a plugin working with buffers (back) to a read stream by using gulp-streamify or gulp-stream. Then plugins that work (only) with streams can be used before and after the buffer-based plugin:

var wrap = require('gulp-wrap');
var streamify = require('gulp-streamify');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var gzip = require('gulp-gzip');
.src('app.js', { buffer: false })
.pipe(wrap('(function(){<%= contents %>}());'))

You don’t need a plugin for everything

Although there are many plugins out there that are very useful and convenient, some tasks and transformations can easily be done without Yet Another Plugin™. Plugins do cause some overhead in that they make you depending on an extra npm module, a plugin interface, (unresponsive?) maintainer, etc. If it’s very easy to do the task at hand without a plugin, or to directly use the original module, then in most cases I would recommend to do so. It’s important to understand the concepts I’ve described above to make the right decision in your situation. Let’s take a look at some examples.


In our examples above we’ve already seen an example of using Browserify directly instead of the (blacklisted) gulp-browserify plugin. The key here is to use vinyl-source-stream (or similar) to allow for regular read streams as input to Vinyl plugins.

Textual transformations

Another example is string-based transformations. Here is a very basic plugin to use directly with vinyl buffers:

function modify(modifier) {
return through2.obj(function (file, encoding, done) {
var content = modifier(String(file.contents));
file.contents = new Buffer(content);

You could use this plugin like this:

gulp.task('modify', function () {
return gulp
function version(data) {
return data.replace(/\_\_VERSION\_\_/, pkg.version);
function swapStuff(data) {
return data.replace(/(\\w+)\\s(\\w+)/, '$2, $1');

The plugin is unfinished and doesn’t even deal with streams. However, it shows it’s possibly easy to create new transformations using some basic functions. The through2 library is a great wrapper to Node streams and enables transform functions as shown above.

Task orchestration

In case you need some custom or dynamic tasks to run, it’s useful to know that gulp is using the Orchestrator module. The gulp.add method is Orchestrator.add (actually all methods are inherited from the Orchestrator module). But, why would you need this?

Closing thoughts

Please note that gulp itself (or Grunt) itself is not always the best tool for the job. If, for instance, you just need to concatenate and uglify a couple of Javascript files, or you need to compile some SASS files, you may want to consider using Makefiles or npm run and get a lot done from the command line. Less dependencies and less configuration can be truly liberating.

Read up on Task automation with npm run to learn more. Just make sure you define clearly what you need on a scale of “build customization”, and what would be the best tool(s) for the job.

However, I think gulp is a great build system that I love to use and really introduced to me the power of streams in Node.js.

Hope this helps! If you have any feedback or additional tips, please let me know in the comments or Twitter: @webprolific.